Title - Diary of a Mummy Misfit
Author - Amanda Egan
Genre - Chick lit
Date published - June 1st 2011
Publisher -
Format - Kindle Edition
Pages -
Author's website - http://mummymisfit.blogspot.com/
Rating - 5 out of 5
All Libby ever wanted was for her son, Max to have the best education. She and her husband are not rich, but willing to sacrifice and invest in their son's future. Libby and Ned are on Cloud 9 when they find out their only child, Max is accepted at Manor House Prep School. But education at a prestigious school costs a lot, and Libby and Ned are starting to worry, and feel stressed, especially Libby.
But this charming and sweet mommy has more problems..Mainly the other women, mothers at the committee, new tasks, events to attend, not to mention the fact she has to put up with snobs and Gestapo mommies. But at least she has Fenella, who is rich but not a snob, so they create a lovely girly bond and a deep friendship.
I really enjoyed every page of this book! Wow, I think it helped me realize I LOVE British chick lit and British humor. I must admit I wasn't familiar with some of the phrases, and I had to check them online, but I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's witty, original and I just loved Libby. It was pretty much easy for me to identify with her on many occasions, her fear for being in a completely new world where it seems she doesn't belong. But she is lovely, and I shall quote Lou (Libby's old friend) - Libby, they may have money, but you have class!
I absolutely love the friendship between Libby and Fenella, and the way they support each other, though they have different backgrounds. As for the humor, it's absolutely fantastic! Libby is a hilarious character, positive, sweet and absolutely someone you would want to be friends with.
This is one of those book that guarantees you hours of laughing and complete enjoyment. It will also get you hooked from the very first page! The sequel is now out (as kindle) and I am really really looking forward to reading it. Mrs Egan sure got me addicted to her writing style and the adventures of lovely Libby.